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About Me

Hey, there!

I’m Julia, a mid-twenties gay language student from Austria. I love travelling, Japanese curry, Scotland, the sea and anything and all fiction-related. My current passions are writing (though I am still rather a beginner) and playing Dungeons & Dragons with friends (where I play as a half-mermaid cleric with a pet pufferfish named Huffl-Puffington Supreme Conqueror of the Northern Seas).

When it comes to writing, I have done a few short stories and a couple of flash fictions so far. I want to gain more experience and find my own style in all areas of the process from plotting to character development to actually sitting down and finishing a story. My main goal is to create realistic, multi-faceted characters and watch their journey unfold before me on the page.

Next to my own fictional writing, I have recently started reviewing LGBTQIA works of literature for a blog (see Website) which I enjoy very much.

Well, I think that should give you a pretty decent picture of myself. Have a lovely day and as a friend of mine once said: Don’t get eaten by a dragon! (Unless they ask nicely and all around seem like a pretty ok-person.^^)