Ms. Gruye

Ms. Gruye


Danger Darling

St. Paul, MN
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About Me

I am a writer and photographer. I get less than 4 hours of sleep each night, except for weekends when I sleep until my muscles ache from atrophy. My biggest literary influences are Henry Miller, Kathy Acker, John Steinbeck, and Dorothy Parker. I also harbor a fondness for punk rock circa 1977-79, Diane Arbus, and elegant footwear with a chunky, sensible heel. I whole heartedly embrace the artistic vision of Andy Warhol and Banksy.

Things that few people know about me: I play chess but am not very good at strategy. I have 20 tubes of high end lipgloss which I will never wear. I eat brie without the skin. In essence, I’d make a very bad Crimean countess.

In my writing I often go for a gut reaction. I want no reign over your brain or your heart, there are too many competing, fleeting factions there. My poems are the girl at the bar who can hold an intellectual conversation while drinking your whiskey, then sucker punch you when the brawl starts.


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Posted 12 Years Ago

thanks for your kind words, you've been missed...repeatedly

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Posted 12 Years Ago

When I arrive at a point where I feel I have enough good poems to tell a good and complete story I will write in the front of it the names of a few good poets who helped me arrive at that place : and say that they were such tremendous people.

I say that because at certain points along the way that feedback has given tanks of otherworldly fuel to get me to what I am doing. 1001 comments will blink at you like the stars and then there are those which will help you through that space.

your benefit
to me is stunning. (thank you).

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Posted 12 Years Ago

i am writing you a review if i am gone some hours.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Also, i have forgotten what my password for the lameboyofhamelin id is so, for the meantime, i will be sticking to this one.

by any chance, do you know?

i have the same email addy for all my accounts here so....

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Sammael, My Friend. that one. i mean i goggled leopold's last speech etc, but i am not knowledgeable about the world, except for what i know. so i am looking for back story.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

You write well, but laugh in your sleep
you write well, but kiss sloppy and screw like a scare crow
you write well, but can't balance the checkbook
you write well, but...

see, i suppose it's not a surprise i ended up calling out your ghost.

sometimes your music scares me, that happens on emily's page too. the music comes on and it scares me. i suppose that is because i am a concentrator, rather than being wimpy. :P

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Posted 12 Years Ago

i guess i would like to impose my stupidness upon you and ask for any and all suitable wiki type links to that poem i just commented on. i love it. you are the fonz.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

i will have to unfriend you in order to befriend you again. i'm afraid i can't do that.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

oh yes...
i think it would be nefarious of you to rebuild me.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

and. indeed, you are a coolness for posting them. what were your other instructions?