About MeI might never use this chat box but you never know, & at least you'll know when i'm here :) ***ALL THE VIDEOS THAT CAN AT SOME POINT BE FOUND IN VARIOUS CHAPTERS OF MY WORK CAN BE FOUND BELOW AFTER THE BORING ABOUT ME STUFF*** I'm not a big music person but a few of the songs I like are in the player below. You can stop the tracks or choose another if you prefer.
I'm Michael Born Febuary 21st 1980 I've written many many short stories over the years, Started to write many diffrent books but things went wrong and never found the motivation or the time to finish them, always just moved onto the next project. (starting a new project is far more exciting than finishing the old one not sure why) Finally with my life now more settled than it has been during the last 10 years the motivation is back and I have found my passion for writing again. Please don't leave comment after comment about grammar never my strong point. I will do my best to edit everything before posting but i'll always miss things and while I know some people point things out to be helpful (no problem with that) don't over do it. :o) I know the diffrent colours for the diffrent speakers will annoy some people, however I have known (and still know) people who can at times find it difficult to read or follow a story trying to work out who is saying what when. (While a lot of us can read and find it fairly obvious whos speaking as long as it's written right to you it should really make any diffrence what colour the text is) for those that can occassionally struggle the help is there. my personal favourite writer - Mr Robert Rankin (I will buy every book he ever writes) contact details (but if i don't know you, you should probably get to know me on here first) myspace - http://www.myspace.com/vollansinc I now also have my space instant messenger too if you want me ![]() facebook - http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=539724339 (I don't really use it I hate facebook myspace if you really want me!) testriffic (rarely use) - http://www.testriffic.com/user/smikey666 Aol / Aim (main email) - [email protected] Msn / Windows live - [email protected] yahoo messenger - never use so no point chess.com - http://www.chess.com/members/view/smikey (MAKE SURE YOU TURN THE MUSIC PLAYER OFF BEFORE PLAYING ANY VIDEOS) ALL THE VIDEOS THAT APPEAR BELOW WILL EVENTUALLY BE FOUND IN VARIOUS CHAPTERS OF MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY OR OTHER WRITING, ALL ARE MADE BY ME USING THE SIMPLE WINDOWS MOVIE MAKER (DON'T HAVE TIME TO MESS AROUND WITH ADVANCED MOVIE MAKERS) AND ALL WILL BE STREAMED FOM MY VIDDYOU ACCOUNT BOTH YOUTUBE AND PHOTOBUCKET HAVE GIVEN ME NOTHING BUT PROBLEMS! TO PAUSE VIDEO JUST CLICK ON IT :) MY FRIENDS TRIBUTE VIDEO SONG - Bryan Adams "everything I do" MY 7 ANGELS 7 angels who transformed my life SONG - Robbie Williams "Angels" CHRYSTYAN'S VIDEO :) SONG - dido "best days of my life" KERRY'S video rest in peace princess, SONG - whitney huston "always love you" AMY GREEN'S video my best friend in the world :) SONG - James Blunt"Your beautiful" KAREN'S video thank you for saving my life I'm so sorry I couldn't do the same! SONG - The Fray "how to save a life" AMY LOO'S VIDEO SONG - Camp Rock "This is me" (chosen by amy) SELF HARMING VIDEO - Contains images some might find disturbing SONG - REM "Everyboy hurts" Comments