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About Me

I was born into a world full of lies and torments and even more temptation
a world full of mistakes and wonders and even more "what ifs"
a place where the greatest challenge in life is to live to die,
However, I was born with a mind of my own and fought my way through lies
sliced away the tormenting past and ignored and bewildered temptation
i make my own mistakes to find out about myself and other people
my greatest challenge is not to live to die, but to die to live

Im a hopeless romantic on the agressive side


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Happy New Year 2011 Pictures, Images and Photos

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Posted 16 Years Ago

The Mystery of Life

We walk in a world that is strange and unknown
And in the midst of the crowd we still feel alone,
We question our purpose, our part and our place
In this vast land of mystery suspended in space,
We probe and explore and try hard to explain
The tumult of thoughts that our minds entertain...
But all of our probings and complex explanations
Of man's inner feelings and fears and frustrations
Still leave us engulfed in the "mystery of life"
With all of its struggles and suffering and strife,
Unable to fathom what tomorrow will bring --
But there is one truth to which we can cling,
For while life's a mystery we can't understand
The "great giver of life" is holding our hand
And safe in His care there is no need for seeing
For "in Him we live and move and have our being."

~ Helen Steiner Rice