SkinlessFrank : Writing

the pig who joined Mensa

the pig who joined Mensa

A Poem by SkinlessFrank

he was just thata fetal pig but not the kindyou dissectedin high school biologyand oh boywas he was lazyhe loved his corn and in darker momentsh..
anatomically-correct manikans

anatomically-correct manikans

A Poem by SkinlessFrank

he fell asleepon my shouldera total strangernext time I saw himhe was on a slababdomen splayed opena butterflied lamb lega nursewhisperedexcitement wa..


A Poem by SkinlessFrank

oh Lord, why be there jelly between our toes so sebaceous and scaly? why these flakes that pour from our scalps enough to bake a dinne..


A Poem by SkinlessFrank

my mother always said consume only the most digestible of oilsand not the ones that congeal ..
rat's nest

rat's nest

A Poem by SkinlessFrank

inside Elvis’ digital pompadour there’s a constitutional oligarchy and a harelip and you watch ..
the Zapruder film

the Zapruder film

A Poem by SkinlessFrank

by this point in the film, Kennedy had already been hit by the first shot....and the crazy clock just kept ticking
mars again

mars again

A Poem by SkinlessFrank

descendant of those kids who signed up to take a one-way trip to Mars inside the 10 x 12 me..
End of Time: An Oral History

End of Time: An Oral History

A Poem by SkinlessFrank

i came across an unknown tribe in a forest of steel and cinder blocks..
the age of responsibility

the age of responsibility

A Poem by SkinlessFrank

the dentist reshapesthe bridge of your nosehis breath of garlic it seeps from your poreswhile you sleepbut when youhave a real problemyoucall the p..
Space Food

Space Food

A Poem by SkinlessFrank

i’m the guy who labours late into the night to invent the synthetic meat you know the kind that ..