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SkinlessFrank : Writing



A Poem by SkinlessFrank

another birthday and as usual he awoke thinking about the three dead mice andhow the poor things must have fallen into the ..


A Poem by SkinlessFrank

a kidney bean once became lodged deep inside my ear canal and i don’t think i need to remind you how a sweet polyp ..
A second chance

A second chance

A Poem by SkinlessFrank

if they were to strap me down upon the concrete bed aside the polished steel of the Dairy Queen machine modified just for ..
insect politics

insect politics

A Poem by SkinlessFrank

(with apologies to mr cronenberg)
Personal Hygiene

Personal Hygiene

A Poem by SkinlessFrank

sometimes the flesh assumes a yearning to sprout out in directions untested i’ve seen my own chin do thison occasions ..


A Poem by SkinlessFrank

he unloadedin the toiletthemembranes and bloodand a brown, milky fluidwhich his doctor calledliquefied porklater on(once the children were asleep)ther..
tried to kill my ego

tried to kill my ego

A Poem by SkinlessFrank

tried to kill my ego today but he’s a tough little bugger I showed him bee balm flowers a..
Spontaneous generation

Spontaneous generation

A Poem by SkinlessFrank

the ancients believed that you only needed to place hay in water to generate life...we're not so different


A Poem by SkinlessFrank

a colleague once related that he sensed a touch of autism in me all of us are differ..
former lovers

former lovers

A Poem by SkinlessFrank

sometimes i get these “urges” i reach deep within and pull open my ribcage rust..

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