Enigma : Writing



A Poem by Enigma

Just something optimistic
My Birthday!!

My Birthday!!

A Poem by Enigma

A not-so-good Birthday!!


A Poem by Enigma

Different faces of mine.I change everyday...


A Poem by Enigma

Many times, we suppress our feelings.But these 'sensations' somehow manage to reveal themselves to the world...
Don't know

Don\'t know

A Poem by Enigma

Don't know when I'll come around Don't know when, again, I'll hear your sound Don't know how long it will take Don't know anything about the stakes..
Enforced Silence

Enforced Silence

A Poem by Enigma

When thoughts and opinions are ignored...
After School Horror

After School Horror

A Book by Enigma

School.One of the most uninteresting places of the world with it's stinking labs and the useless teachers.But what if there was more to it? What if th..


A Chapter by Enigma

School.A place I hate to go when I have to study; a place I hate to leave when I'm having fun with my friends. School.A place where book is more impo..
What's so funny?

What\\\\\\\'s so funny?

A Chapter by Enigma

Hnmmm....in continuation
The beginning...

The beginning...

A Chapter by Enigma

It's where the plan begins to take shape