Hope : Writing



A Poem by Hope

Inspired by the most amazing place on earth...Glamis


A Poem by Hope

Classical, so pure and clear Bold columns aligning the eloquent hall Friends and family gathering together Beautiful Tuscan sun Complemented with ..


A Poem by Hope

Awakened, my soul now may fly riding on the wings of light Marvelous words capture my attention always true, always faithful Not knowing wha..
I Love You

I Love You

A Poem by Hope

I long to see you again Laughter once filled my heart with I was around you only in my dreams have I actually known you Valley of dreams each ..


A Poem by Hope

Wintrty Peace Snow laying at the foot of silhouetted trees Vare branches, cold and dismal Beneath all the snow Grows the small green blades below ..
Dearest Son

Dearest Son

A by Hope

A letter I am going to give my future son (who i don't have yet) on his 16th birthday... at least a rought draft
Racing Thoughts

Racing Thoughts

A Poem by Hope

Written about a single moment today that I was not fully pleased with my answer...just teenage girl stuff :D
My Next Love

My Next Love

A Poem by Hope

For the "The Next Love Poem Contest" Inspired by a close friend


A Poem by Hope

Inspired by the movie, "Joshua" on 11-22-08


A Poem by Hope

Getting rid of the old me Sounds easy, huh...? Well, it isn't Things of old times made me stumble I got rid of it Relationships that seemed to g..