Joy Lynn B. : Writing

Right now

Right now

A Poem by Joy Lynn B.

Right now, We are here today, But what about tomorrow. Right now, You love me, But what about the sorrows. Right now, We are having fun, B..


A Poem by Joy Lynn B.

For many of you have heard Zack passed away a while ago and I thought I would write about how I feel about that.


A Poem by Joy Lynn B.

I over heard little kids playing fairytale and it popped into my head what to write about.


A Poem by Joy Lynn B.

From the beginning,I should have known,You talk the talk,But with a heart of stone,Many have fallen for it,I bet more than once,I have,But I feel bad ..


A Poem by Joy Lynn B.

Trust me I won't title it for a reason.
Your poem

Your poem

A Poem by Joy Lynn B.

I see you,you're sitting there,you look lost,in the world pf's dark out,and she has broken your heart again,you're mad,but you won't tell m..
My soul will stay within

My soul will stay within

A Poem by Joy Lynn B.

It's not my best peice.
The meaning

The meaning

A Poem by Joy Lynn B.

The meaning ofr the sun, Is to give light to see, The meaning to the light, Is to help you know the diffrence from, Day and night, The meaning to..
Chapter One.

Chapter One.

A Chapter by Joy Lynn B.

One day on the most darkest, coldest hour, a young child walks barefoot and alone. He looks around. When nothing is to be seen. Then in a far distance..
The story of a boy named Jacob

The story of a boy named Jacob

A Book by Joy Lynn B.

This is a story I found that was wrote in 2009! I hope you enjoy it! Sorry but before you read the chapters, I want you to know that the chapters are ..