SimplyOlivia : Writing

What If....

What If....

A Poem by SimplyOlivia

If i dont come tomorrow I'll be laying in a pool of my own blood If i shall come tomorrow I will be waiting the day out If i wait the day out I'l..


A Book by SimplyOlivia

So. I decided to make a book out of this cause I can't come up with any more titles for my dreams. So I'm putting them here in a book.


A Chapter by SimplyOlivia

A dream I had a long time ago. Now. He is out of my life.


A Chapter by SimplyOlivia

Another one from a while ago. This one is still in my life.
Hunter: Stupid Fantasies

Hunter: Stupid Fantasies

A Chapter by SimplyOlivia

Stupid fantasies that run through my head Living in an apartment you always know things After being thrown out You kinda wish he’d come down ..
The Key to Life

The Key to Life

A Poem by SimplyOlivia

Away from the sun So far down My life no longer makes sense I’ve gone from everything To nothing Back to regaining control Then losing it..
Irish Prince

Irish Prince

A Poem by SimplyOlivia

Another for Ben
Irish Lover

Irish Lover

A Poem by SimplyOlivia

For my boyfriend Ben
Insane Love

Insane Love

A Book by SimplyOlivia

This is a book of poems about me and my current boyfriend
Insanity or Love? Prologue

Insanity or Love? Prologue

A Chapter by SimplyOlivia

Sleepless Sad Lost You’re only two buses ahead And it feels like miles apart That’s what kills me So close Yet so far away All I ..