I don't hate myselfbecause who I'm withis another race.I'm not lower than you,or deceived.I don't tell youwho to care for,so don't tell me.Why does my..
I'm in a worldlost, ignored.Never acceptedby a communitythat looks like me.Why?All my differencesstressed by my peers.Looked over bymainstream eyes.Th..
See me standing hereand you get so nearI hope to ignore youI hope you walk awayBut instead you speak,expect me to flush and stutterI am not happyto be..
No, I will not be controlledOn me censorship cannot be forcedTo the patriarchy, this my challengeShouting is loud, but I hear only whispersIn this bla..
A humorous poem
The tree stands outA maiden with skin of barkand hair of Spanish mossCount yourself among the rareto gaze upon herSo many pass, yet never seeLeaves th..
Calypso felt the water drift over her head and felt instantly overwhelmed by still calmness. Her dark brown hair drifted and tangled as if the tendril..
Calypso’s alarm clock seemed to blare through the house. Poking her head out she gave it her best death glare, but it wasn’t intimidated. ..
Had some lyrics from a song written in,but here I'll just post a link to the song.Heidevolk- Nehalennia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBpDom4QWHEThi..
Mona supplied her own feast and was already preparing it the way she knew people preferred. Just another sign that this wasn't her first time dropping..