Madeline : Writing

Alone and Surrounded

Alone and Surrounded

A Poem by Madeline

Chairs and tables claimed,Whispers spread round the room,They don't know she can hear them,She's alone just like the moon.Surrounded by her star-eyes ..
Oh Darling, Don't You Know?

Oh Darling, Don't You Know?

A Poem by Madeline

Venom slipped through their mouths,Spoken in such gentle tones.With sharpened tongues they seemed to laugh,Oh darling don't you know?You're worth noti..
The Pathway

The Pathway

A Poem by Madeline

Run through the pathway of the tall white pines, Bow to the merciful King, Pour out your sorrows and heartaches and fears, From your mouth ..
The Misfits and The Misfires

The Misfits and The Misfires

A Poem by Madeline

Life is better for the misfits. For the troublemakers and the time bombs. For the ones who can't be contained and measured. The unpredic..
Letter #1

Letter #1

A Poem by Madeline

Hello, my love. I pray that everything is going well for you, but if not, read this letter carefully. I hope that you are sleeping we..
Passionate Purpose

Passionate Purpose

A Poem by Madeline

My blood boils, it burns, blazing away inside of my veins.Coursing its way through my arteries into every part of me.There is a raging passion in my s..
Why do you enthrall me so?

Why do you enthrall me so?

A Poem by Madeline

Why do I let you enthrall me so? Let you speak with a silver tongue that comes all too natural? I can't hold on to you any longer for fea..

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