Joshua Smit : Writing

existence unquestioned?

existence unquestioned?

A Poem by Joshua Smit

a reflection on how we neglect to question who we are as a human race...
The wise man, and the people

The wise man, and the people

A Poem by Joshua Smit

corruption of the world... and the only hope that stands
Ode to art

Ode to art

A Poem by Joshua Smit

something for all who create beauty through expression
horrid creature of my mind

horrid creature of my mind

A Poem by Joshua Smit

sleep/insomnia personified
Of moments, thoughts and actions

Of moments, thoughts and actions

A Poem by Joshua Smit

my first (somewhat) rhyming poem
The grey mare

The grey mare

A Chapter by Joshua Smit

not awake, not asleep

not awake, not asleep

A Chapter by Joshua Smit

Chapter 1
My beautiful home

My beautiful home

A Poem by Joshua Smit

Niger forest, lush and green.brightly coloured birds,flowers never seen.South Africa, diverse land.Dragon peaks, mountains of legend.tall and numerous..
reflections of nothing

reflections of nothing

A Book by Joshua Smit

The life of a writer, how he sees things, and his perspective on the purpose of life...


A Poem by Joshua Smit

Can't you see the destruction thats within you.Deep in your heart, a desire to destroydestroy all puritydestroy all hopedestroy all life...this desire..