HeartDove : Writing



A Poem by HeartDove

A dear young man, passed through a brook.
Lies like Honey

Lies like Honey

A Poem by HeartDove

The sweetest lies, hold the bitterest aftertastes.
Flick of a Wrist

Flick of a Wrist

A Poem by HeartDove

Am I worth no more, than the flick of a wrist?
Tempting Light

Tempting Light

A Poem by HeartDove

"How could you be real? After being gone at last."
Vengeance For The Lost

Vengeance For The Lost

A Poem by HeartDove

Run fair man, till the crack of dawn.
Dragon's Breath

Dragon's Breath

A Poem by HeartDove

So the dragon kept the maiden's heart, without care pulling it apart.
Crow's Tale

Crow's Tale

A Poem by HeartDove

Three young children wandered, as they grew lost their minds went a ponder.
Loving Embrace

Loving Embrace

A Poem by HeartDove

What others see as too touchy, can often hold deeper meaning if you look closely.
Hand-Held Hearts

Hand-Held Hearts

A Story by HeartDove

Christopher is a selectively mute young man with an odd talent for written words, though unknown to his crush Landon who is currently paralyzed in one..
Sealed Shut

Sealed Shut

A Poem by HeartDove

For those whose hearts are shut in, often find their voices silenced.