Shy Girl

Shy Girl

Horse Country, MT
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About Me

Never really been a sharer of my poems. Been writing on and off since junior high. I'm mostly shy and listen to my mp3 player or radio for EVERYTHING I'm doing. From riding my horse to sitting in the sun. Poems help speak in the moment.


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Posted 10 Years Ago

It matters not the length of the second, or the shadows length of each passing day. Every moment that is created, lived and shared is one that is etched forever in the stone that lies as a foundation for the rest of one's journey. So rush not, worry less, smile more and sip fo the eternal spring of hope that howls with a soft kindred breeze out beyond the door.

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Posted 10 Years Ago

I look forward to what musings fall upon the page of yours. After all, the inspiration is surely grand and could echo a symphony of soul, as the waves wash upon the beach and shoal. =)

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Thank you! =D I have heard your howls upon the sun filled winds of the last few days. I hope as spring comes on, your time may be spent on peaceful and reguvinating endevours. HUGS!

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Roger that lost one. ;) May the rays of spring sun soon grace your eyes and bring warmth again to free your spirit. The last two days have been sunny out here. A much needed break from a week or two of grey rain and sleet.

My existance at the moment is comprised of mountains of college work and a few traipses out upon the prairie to take in some fresh air.

I be a busy wolfie... =)

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Posted 11 Years Ago

It's cloudy here too, so the sunsets are probably just deciding to be washed by the clouds for a bit and will shine more brilliantly in the new year! That's my thoughts on it anyhow. ;) Much joy and awesomeness to your new year! May it bring forth the dreams that you've been desiring!

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Posted 11 Years Ago

And there, upon the hill, under the stars and below the eve of the gingerbread house...did the oak and the wolf mix their brew, just right, and just so... into the memories it does go. =D Happy Christmas and Merry Holidays with a Howling of a New Years!

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Seems the God's of the Winter have given some slack. Past the great mountain and upon the grassy hills of Alumbra, I found green and color again. Andromeda found some native carrots and is happily munching as we take our evening repast. My the winds continue to be so warm and filled with the shine of those Eastern Stars.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Today I give thanks that the branch moved and the lady slipped and Andromeda was holding steady beneath me. Twas indeed an epic catch to be thankful for! =)

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Posted 11 Years Ago

OH, tis good to hear from you M'lady Shy. I hope all things flow better upon your shores with each passing day. =) School is fun, even though I have an English teacher that is driving me nuts... But I shall overcome! =)

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Posted 11 Years Ago

There will always be light upon tomorrow... For at least a couple billion years anyway. But by then... if we have become immortals that is... we'll be watching the light from some other planet! ;)