But?shouldyouneedus? : Writing

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

A Story by But?shouldyouneedus?

Sorry I'm such a bad person or I didn't know why to say to all your problems. Sorry I can't understand what your going through or why. Sorry I couldn'..
When we die

When we die

A Story by But?shouldyouneedus?

Well, I know that it's early And it's too hard to think And the broken empty bottles Are reminder in the sink But I thought that I should tell you..


A Story by But?shouldyouneedus?

I love unmade beds. I love when people are drunk and crying and cannot be anything but honest in that moment. I love the look in people’s eyes w..


A Story by But?shouldyouneedus?

I think I out it exactly this way " I don't understand how someone can be so perfect and not see it I'm themselves " . That's how I would describe him..


A Story by But?shouldyouneedus?

Do you ever get that really good feeling hearing someone voice like you don't know what you would do without them because they are so special to you a..
Don't stay anymore

Don't stay anymore

A Story by But?shouldyouneedus?

When I finally decided I want you out you come back . I think I should make the right choice and take down all the pictures , out them away for awhile..
That person

That person

A Story by But?shouldyouneedus?

It was something to blow your mind Amazing person Never knew what that person was capable of Until they became your other half And you messed ..
Journal about my childhood

Journal about my childhood

A Story by But?shouldyouneedus?

You can cry yourself to sleep And wake up In the morning with the same worries you went to bed with You can dream of what you never wanted to hap..
"That girl"

"That girl"

A Poem by But?shouldyouneedus?

I always wondered what it felt like to be "that girl" . I never knew the feeling until I got older . Teen to be specific . Remember when you were youn..

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