Katharine Eilene

Katharine Eilene


Been gone a whole year, now I'm back with fresh ideas and a search for inspiration.

Indianapolis, IN
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About Me

Oh my. Here I'm supposed to say what I'm like, who I am, and what you are probably going to want to know about me.

It's not that easy.
How about I just give you some random info?

I'm a private kind of gal. I'm in my early twenties, but act as though I'm forty. Surprised? Me neither. Why'd I even ask? Ask my brain.

My personality? Perfect! -----NOT------

Nobodies perfect. They're born perfect, it's life that taints us to our imperfections.
I'll let you figure out how I am.
Besides how can I describe myself when I am still trying to find my own identity.

If you really want to get to know the real me, then you would have to read my poetry or message me. There is nothing like learning about someone through their writings...

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Posted 14 Years Ago

"For 2011, I wish you Light - the ultimate, most magnificent light in the Universe - the light that unmistakably symbolizes Love - the 7 million megawatt, luminous light of your smile.

Please do not light "a" candle - ignite "Your" candle. For what good is a candle without its flame?

Glow brightly into this new year; radiate your unique "Youness". Find something that makes you smile; then share that glow, sending your sunshine out to lighten every shadow. For if you do, the year ahead would have no storm clouds nor darkness to fear, just the brilliant glow of the entire world smiling back.

Your smile could make anything better - Happy New Year!"

- Anita Bergen