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North Bay, Canada
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

A lot has changed for me since I first came to this site. I quit my university program, decided to go to the college in the same town now for something incredibly different. The fact that I wasted 3 years of my time and thousands of dollars doesn't even bother me. I'm happier now than I have ever been, also more broke than I have ever been. I have learned over time that I don't need much to make me happy, just good friends and good company, and knowing that I am going on to do something meaningful with my life.

I grew up in a little hick town in the middle of nowhere. Gone through a bunch of s**t over the last couple years I guess...and that's exactly where most of my writing comes from. As my friend Mike told me a long time ago... you have to write about what you know.

We've all been through the same stuff... thought we've been in love, loved and lost, hated, etc. These are just my views on everything. Take them or leave them, but don't hate me for them.

I got a tattoo the first year I moved to school. It meant a lot at the time. But now, as I have grown older and wiser, I have decided it is time to cover the old piece with something that is new and meaningful. Now, in some ways covering my old piece seems dumb, but at the same time, I've evolved and healed. And the new piece will reflect it. And to me, by placing it over my existing artwork, it shows me becoming whole again.

I might be psychotic, irrational, a lover, a fighter for my beliefs, chasing after an impossible dream, and possibly the most random person you'll ever meet. But at the end of the day, I am me. Whole, complete, and unaltered. Take me as I am, cause I don't change for anyone.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

I agree. I see a lot of crap in public nowadays. For example: a few weeks ago, I saw a bunch of teenage punks pushing an elderly man around. I would have done something myself, but the police got there first.

I�m 26 years old now, but I�m more like 50 or 60 because, most of the time, those people are more respectful than people my age.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Something special, huh? Let�s see�

I helped an old lady cross the street yesterday afternoon.

[holds hand out] Gold star, please�?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Bonus points? Whoo!

Thanks for reviewing �The Church of Dracula,� by the way. I appreciate it.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

No problem. And thanks.

Please correct me if I�m wrong, but doesn�t �ultor in umbris� mean �avenging in the shadows�? I remember seeing that somewhere a long time ago�

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Posted 18 Years Ago

happy holidays sweety

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hi, Everyone:

I wish you a happy holidays and best wishes. I want to thank everyone for taking the time to look at my page, any reviews or comments. I am taking a semi-break and will be back in full force in January 2007.

Happy Holidays,
Scott Grant Eckert

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Good afternoon!

Have you heard of �mapping�? It is a technique, to develop fictional writing. Mostly used for story/novel writing, but it can also be applied to poetry. It is a great way to develop your creativity and find new sources of inspiration.

Underground Writers Network ~ Challenge #11

Have fun!


Val J.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Good morning!

We had the pleasure of enjoying some wonderful pieces for the last challenge. Oxymorons can certainly be fun!

Now this week�s challenge is a little different.

As writers, we have to play many different roles to successfully market our works. From sales persons, to marketers, to advertisers we have to manage to develop a series of skills to promote our work and make sure someone gets to read it. I believe as writers, our ultimate goal is to have someone to �listen� to what we have to say.

What would you say if you had to sell a concept that people do not think about too often? Concepts that are embedded deep inside of us, and that as writers we usually ponder many times. How would you make someone �buy� them?

Underground Writers Network ~ Challenge #10

I hope you have fun and enjoy it.

Have a great day!


Val J.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Don't knock your stuff so hard, I've seen a lot worse. There's authors on this site that have been writing for 20 + years, and they're just as capable of throwing a bad yarn as much as you can. I've had more than my share but I'm still hacking away all the same. Just learn from it and move on. Keep reading and writing and you'll find your voice.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Just thought I'd leave a note of welcome. I hope you enjoy Writers Cafe and I look forward to reading your stuff.