Kaytlyn Winterbourne

Kaytlyn Winterbourne


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Indianapolis, IN
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About Me

Beliefs...given to the environment in which we were fostered. Some of us see past the lies to our own truths. And truths are relative. Though many can find the same truths.
I believe that humans can be the crulest or the kindest animal on the face of the earth. It is our Free Will that makes it so. I believe there are so many walls that humans must climb and/or demolish before they can even get a glimps of the mind and souls potential.
What do you believe? What truths do you know? What walls do you have. Science and religon have given us all the answers and rules...do we have the guts..nah..the audacity to see past, push past to what really is? Interested?? I am always in the mood for a challanging view.
And that is a bit about me.


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Posted 18 Years Ago

OK, sounds great. I'll put some stuff on my reading list, and get to it as soon as I can!

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Thanks, so much, for your review and words. They're really appreciated!

If you'd like me to read anything of yours, please feel free to send it my way!


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Posted 18 Years Ago

i liek ur myspace name shadows paly pin
whered u get that?

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Sorry it took so long but thanx for the reviews, I am going to rewrite my book because there is something about that stops it from being great. I am glad to hear that it feels like a Harry Potter book because that's what I was aiming for. I wanted it to be a story that could fit well within the Potter universe, I also wanted to make sure that hopefully someone who has never written a Potter book before could read and understand it. Anyways I hope to hear from you soon.
-J. Duran