Walking on a narrow path I see, the sun is blinding me.looking for an exit route.I hear footsteps behind me, as I walk around aimlessly.But when I tur..
In the darkness, I lay in my bed.Afraid to move, I stay still.Eyes open wide.My ears cannot believe what they have heard.My eyes are darting back and ..
I can't really describe how I feel. I'm depressed, alone, angry, annoyed, scared.I feel so hollow and strange.I'm not myself anymore.Locked away in my..
CRiMSON SiN IdiosyncraticIII The sound of liquid hitting the bottom of something could be heard. "Uh..." Sin moaned as she halfway opened her eyes. S..
A girl enrolls in High School and finds herself in a hellish world. Betrayal, lies and sickening deaths meet into one. A disturbing past scars someone..