Melissa A. Bergin

Melissa A. Bergin


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About Me

Poetry is my art. Words are a medium through which I portray enlightening truths, dazzling phrases and heart-wrenching realities. We (poets) are the truth seeking souls, cleverly crafting our vision of the world through a perfectionists arrangement of similes and metaphors, assonance and alliteration,
and end-stops.



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Posted 17 Years Ago

Merci, appreciations extended for your time and interest. That one was pretty old and revision is rather redundant for it at this stage, but thanks, perspective...

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Posted 17 Years Ago

"thanks" for the dying in a hospital bed?! comment... i think you've really missed the point of my poem if the imagery that came into your mind was death.....

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Posted 17 Years Ago

thanks for reviewing!! i appreciate your comments. i'll definitely keep that little tip in mind. thanks again! :]

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Posted 17 Years Ago

hey, thanks for the review of my poem. Yea, I know that something is missing, I am putting them out there for initial feedback with the intention of going back and changing some stuff around. I am glad that you like it. May I suggested reading "I will love you...always"? I will review your stuff, thanks again.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Welcome to the Cafe, Melissa.