My return from the abyss.
Like wings of fire, furious do we flare the skies
The brilliance of one moment, rippling through our feet
Rushing on a current of hope, roaring in e..
I am not sure what to say, but what I have said.
The night gathers her stars
And sometimes I am free,
I wear ball gowns
And dance on marble floors,
I smell curry
And walk along the Ganges,
I ..
A confession.
My secrets, I shall never tell. Look in my eyes, and you may find them...but hush, for they are ours to keep.
Sometimes, life is like an ocean.
Touching me in forbidden bravado,
Nailing me to him,
Hand by hand,
Tongue by tongue,
Foot by foot,
I sit in the thrown,
He speaks in fire,
Playing my piano under the gnarled pomegranate tree, barefoot in a rose colored dress, I breathe. A sweet lullaby. Like an old film, the watermarks ..
I lose myself in your quiet
Finding sanctuary in all that I see,
As if worlds that were lost are now found
And everything is pleasing to the eye..