SheenLeigh : Writing

Wall Cracks

Wall Cracks

A Poem by SheenLeigh

My Introvertness (there is no word like that I know ) comes to life
Love ( I know how cliche)

Love ( I know how cliche)

A Poem by SheenLeigh

Thru all of the things I love to write Writing about love, seems never right? It’s like telling what the whole world already knows, ..


A Poem by SheenLeigh

YOUNG Life, I know there are plenty who write, About how unfair you’ve been. They tell you things I’ve yet to be seen, To..
Twenty Soon

Twenty Soon

A Poem by SheenLeigh

Twenty Soon … The scent of the brew coffee, The smell of the burnt pancakes The taste of the oatmeal The sound of the bells rin..
My First

My First

A Poem by SheenLeigh

Like the scent of the new cut grass in the Dawn of the morning breeze, You opened my eyes to All the possibilities. Renewing my every so..
This Isn't Goodbye

This Isn't Goodbye

A Poem by SheenLeigh

I look at the window pane Caressing the pain, He did leave but we are not broken. Why would tears fall, if there’s nothing shattered. ..
5 years..

5 years..

A Poem by SheenLeigh

5 years… 5 years ago I was this girl, who started having crush Searching your every move always makes me blush. It was a really ..

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