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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I am the product of 30 years of stories spun on Southern porches, muggy summers and spending a little too much time with my nose in a book. I swear a little too much and drink more red wine than I should, but other than that I think I am turning out alright.

I fell in love with writing and words at an early age. I began keeping my first journal in third grade. It was a Ramona Quimby themed journal that was divided into twelve sections, one for each month. It had excerpts from the Ramona books and lots of fill in the blanks. What I loved most though, was when I came to those lined pages devoid of any prompt. Then I could really let my mind and pencil run freely. I wrote stories and about the injustices of elementary school life and those pages became my best friends.

I continued writing as I matured. Those little journals also matured into plain notebooks, legal pads, and now a laptop that I tote around more than my wallet.

I have dabbled with different types of writing. I worked for a newspaper for a while doing community interest stories. I was actively involved with the literary journal while I was in college, writing essays and poems that mimicked Thoreau. There was a brief affair with erotica. A few poems have found their way into minor journals, but most of them just find their way into storage crates.

I have found that no matter where I am in this journey, there is always writing. It has been a source of strength for me, something that I could always turn to.

Today I still keep a journal and will occasionally give birth to a poem or a short story. Mostly, I write for my own satisfaction or to entertain my daughters. I stick to writing about things that are close to my heart.

I am also an abuse survivor, never a victim. I have used my writing to help heal my own spirit, and I am currently seeking ways to employ it to educate and comfort other abuse survivors.

I enjoy conversing with other writers and love to hear how the process works for them. It is a different path for everybody, but it is all centered in the same passion. It is amazing to me how we can all be so completely alone, yet completely united.


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Thoughts of a Little Girl

(Maria Enriqueta)

I think flowers can see
and clouds play a game,
that when the wind whispers,
the leaves understand.
They sway and they dance
in the mad-cap breeze.

Sometimes in the morning
to the meadow I go,
where the daisies are playing
in the wind.

First the wind whispers,
then runs, jumps and tickles their feet.
And the daisies, their heads sweetly nodding,
laugh, sway and shiver in glee.