One must be cautiousAnd serene orSerious injuries may occurIn his presence. He should comeWith a warning.Eye contact is unadvisableIf you lookThen the..
I am trying so hard to forget about you.but believe me, it's really hard to do.It's not like we were ever a thing..But now i am dirt and you are King...
you're a b***h, or whether you're a ho..Everyone needs some more.Some
more attention, some more love..There's still some more i can think ..
This is how i, and a lot of other teens, feel.
Yes the title is named after a song by the Pink Spiders, no the poem as nothing to do with the song.
Here i am hiding...Afraid while you seek.I sit here scared of you finding..even as i am here so meek.I am the heart, and you are the pain.I sit here l..
This is a more, dark, twisted one. lol
This is how he makes me feel
I take a metal marker n draw a linea straight vertical linethat runs from my wristall the way up my armI always miss my markI dont intend to cause mys..
This is another one about my "mom". it sounds mean and disrespectful, oh, if only you knew her.