Shane Rendon : Writing

Machine Gun Starlight

Machine Gun Starlight

A Poem by Shane Rendon

Its black out Not a star in the sky So black Thick black So thick I could feel it Darkness has of pressure Pressing..
Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Rocket Cars

Friends Don\'t Let Friends Drive Rocket Cars

A Poem by Shane Rendon

I close my eyes and step backward into yester-year I remember holding your hand when I was eight years old I remember pet cemetarys ..
Life Blood

Life Blood

A Poem by Shane Rendon

I stood over a bridge, and cut my stomach open with a dull knife. I allowed its contents to pour into the still water below. Upon impact they create..
One Act Players

One Act Players

A Poem by Shane Rendon

Act one scene one Boy meets girl Remember? I do. Our lips first met on a cold December after-noon in a high school ..
I'm a Smoker Too B***h

I\'m a Smoker Too B***h

A Poem by Shane Rendon

Two perfet Angels Attempting true love I swear that was us We fit like a glove Without reason you left me Broke and alone ..
Lovers are Secondary

Lovers are Secondary

A Screenplay by Shane Rendon

SCENE ONE Sphen and Steve in Sphen's livingroom The two are very bored and seeking entertainment.... Steve- I'm bored Sphen- *sigh* yeah Steve- Y..
A Whispering in my Loins

A Whispering in my Loins

A Screenplay by Shane Rendon

(Two men standing in a room, one man has puppets on his hand, and the other is watching intently) sphen- (puppets on his hands)Please tell them to be..
Teenage Babble

Teenage Babble

A Story by Shane Rendon

A beautiful East Texas prom was steadily melting to an end. The lights came back on, and we were the only two still dancing. An old country love song ..
The Love Glove

The Love Glove

A Story by Shane Rendon

The Love Glove- I stopped at a convienient store on my way to her house. I was buying my usual energy drink, so it seemed, but I had so..
The Good Fight

The Good Fight

A Poem by Shane Rendon

Like all poets, I watched a butterfly land on a flower, my butterfly's flower went limp, sending the bitterfly to the ground. Wings spred at first..