There was a paper, white and innocentand every pencil mark ever made was erased.The holder of the paper made sure to keep it sage.But one dayAs the wi..
Does an inexperienced wise man have more wisdom than an experienced child.Is walking a straight path smarter than venturing into unknown lands.True ha..
Why does my mind wander through this world in a thousand different personalities.Why do the walls of this world disappear when I try to find them.My m..
Another stranger possesses my thoughts, leading me to an unknown realm.A level of which reality confuses my every muscle and my dreams become logic.A ..
I open my eyes and awaken in my thoughts. Four barriers stand before me.I push at the walls and feel them crumbleAccomplished by my escape, I gaze ch..
Tomorrow has already come upon my presenceBut I will never see its dawn.I want to see the day in this lifeWhere I am free.I will beWho I wantOn the da..