His eyes are a perfect shade of green.Warm and sweet.I'm absolutely in love.Head over heels.I know I'm smallBut I won't let anyone make me feel that w..
A follow up on "When?"
Not one month has passed.I am more upset than I waswith him after eight.One knows me so muchBetter than the otherHe makes me happier.Separation from o..
My Starshine, how I long to see him...How I long to look into those emerald eyes,To feel his arms around me,Just to hear his voice.How I long to see h..
He tries so hard,But one day,He'll give up and let me be.I dread the day,But I'm prepared for it...More than I should be.We argue.When I start the fig..
Why?Why does he make such an effort?I'm useless.Why does he talk to me so much?Everyone else is terrified of me.Why does he want to know what's on my ..
I never wanted this.Never wanted him to understandMy philosophy.My philosophy whereI don't need others.I've been hurt too much.He is broken.I never wa..
I have found the definition of HappinessAnd that of Perfection.They are one.They can be foundIn a hickory tree,Over looking the creek,In the warm summ..
I will remember him always.He will forever remain in my heartAnd on my mind.I wish he didn't have to go,But since he has,A flash of silver,Beads of ru..
A feather?No. A wing.A bird has been brutally murdered,You said.And I told you about a Cardinal's head.Surely you rememberThat August day?A little gir..