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Dallas, TX
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About Me

An "old man", not by choice in the sense of years since I am five years older than dirt and two years older than baseball. Age is simply a state of mind and that being the case then my mind tells me I am still in my twenties, thought the body most often denies that most adamantly at times.

Fortunate, I am, in that I have traveled all over the world to many countries both East and West. Other than two, I enjoyed each and every one and made many new friends that are now old friends. I truly enjoy making new friends from every part of the world.

Reading is my passion. History, psychology, political thought, mystery, and my favorite, fantasy. It is nothing to have three or four books going at one time.

Writing is a private pleasure that until recently I kept for myself. Now I post a few of my "scribbles" in hopes that someone may get a bit of pleasure from reading them. Often I write stories of myself, my life....more as a way to leave a bit of myself for my children in hopes that they will understand a little better who I am and the reasons for things I have done and all those mistakes and failures we parents often make.

I enjoy writing fantasy and stories of the past. Then there are those things I refuse to call poetry for I am simply NOT a poet by any stretch of the imagination.

I admit to being opinionated at times which some may find offensive. I detest the "so-called" political correctness. There is no where in the Constitution, nor Bill of Rights that states anyone has the right NOT to be offended.
I have no use for anyone who uses race or politics as an excuse for anything. Simply said I loathe both Democartic and Republican parties for what they both have done to destroy this country. Our government was established "by the People, for the People and of the People".....NOT for or by the government itself nor either group of self-serving idiots of both parties. Aaah...yet again, an old man rants!

Originally I am from the mountains of East Tennessee but now live as a "flat-lander" in Dallas, TX. Someday...someday soon I hope to return to those mountains and forest.

Family?....Happily divorced and free to be "sittin in my drawers" whenever I choose. I have six children, at least the ones I know about. One very special son now on the Otherside; an older son and daughter who both live in New Orleans; two younger sons, one just completed a six year enlistment in the Marine Corp and his older brother who still has another year left on his enlistment; and last, but definitely not least, the youngest a daughter.


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Halito ShadowWolf!

Hope all is well with you. Haven't seen much of you lately. Holler when you get a chance. Happy Holidays to you!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

been missing you, where are you?

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Posted 15 Years Ago

HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY Pictures, Images and Photos

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Happy Sunday Pictures, Images and Photos

Miss seeing you on here Bob. Hope all is well...

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thank you for accepting my friend request. I plan on getting around to reading and reviewing your poetry as I hope you do mine. In the mean time please send me any poems via read request that you would like. I look forward to the inspiration I know that you are bringing to this site. Peace!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

glitter balls reflecting Pictures, Images and Photos

Merry Christmas!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

merry christmas to you grumpy old wolf

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Holidays Thanksgiving Comments And Graphics

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Holidays Thanksgiving Comments And Graphics

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Happy Halloween Pictures, Images and Photos