Evangeline Allyson Monroe : Writing

My New Friend

My New Friend

A Poem by Evangeline Allyson Monroe

This is the third in a series of poems that I have made. Check out the first two (my most recent ones).
The Lie Mirrors Tell Us

The Lie Mirrors Tell Us

A Poem by Evangeline Allyson Monroe

This is the second poem in a series about trials and tribulations. Enjoy! :)
Porcelain and Plastic

Porcelain and Plastic

A Poem by Evangeline Allyson Monroe

This is the first poem in a series about trials and tribulations. :) I hope you enjoy!


A Poem by Evangeline Allyson Monroe

Just like my poem Two, you need to read the words down the left side either after or before you read the poem as a whole and the title is the first wo..
A Different Kind Of Warrior

A Different Kind Of Warrior

A Poem by Evangeline Allyson Monroe

Just a "Stay Strong" type of poem. :)
I'm Not Alright

I'm Not Alright

A Poem by Evangeline Allyson Monroe

Read the first letter of every line like an acrostic poem. :)
To: My Ten Year Old Self

To: My Ten Year Old Self

A Poem by Evangeline Allyson Monroe

In Middle school, I went through some stuff and I really wish I knew then what I knew now.


A Poem by Evangeline Allyson Monroe

Just something I wrote when I was bored. The title is the first word of the poem, so make sure to read that and then read the words down the side, as ..
Plea of a God Forsaken Child

Plea of a God Forsaken Child

A Poem by Evangeline Allyson Monroe

This is something that I had to write and read for my writing class and thought that I should just share it. :)

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