AchingAlexandra : Writing

Outer to Inner

Outer to Inner

A Poem by AchingAlexandra

The real me.
Blood to Drugs

Blood to Drugs

A Poem by AchingAlexandra

This is what happened after I tried to OD
I wish I were dead.

I wish I were dead.

A Poem by AchingAlexandra

My exact emotions at this moment.
The two sides of me

The two sides of me

A Poem by AchingAlexandra

This is how I feel about myself.
Kory's death

Kory's death

A Story by AchingAlexandra

Kira's twin sister avenges her sisters death. Kory, their older brother, is the one who killed Kara's best and only friend.


A Chapter by AchingAlexandra

I didn't see it coming, I couldn't have. He was everything I wanted, everything I thought I wanted. I loved him... Correction, love him. I never stop..
Happy (unfinished, but red the whole 8 lines if you'd like :P)

Happy (unfinished, but red the whole 8 lines if yo..

A Chapter by AchingAlexandra

"Hello!" I cried out to him. "How are you today, baby?" He got that adorable crooked grin and replied, "not too bad, been missing you darlin. What ha..


A Book by AchingAlexandra

I'm going to base this off my own experience.
Starving for Perfection, Dying for love.

Starving for Perfection, Dying for love.

A Poem by AchingAlexandra

Meh, I'm bored, and not feeling good. Read and enjoy? xD
I surprise people

I surprise people

A Poem by AchingAlexandra

I surprise people,When I use words they don't understand,and then,when I start cursing.I surprise people,when they think I'm an angel,then I take out,..