A spoof/parady of 'The Wizard of Oz' using some of the characters from Buffy. Enjoy! :D
*title says it all...*
Children, with epilepsy, downs syndrome, etc., touch something in you with their serene and beautiful view of the world around them...
She walks as graceful as the night,
the wind billowing around her.
With silent eyes like shinning stars,
her tears falling short after.
Her gold..
When Ilook in the mirror
I'm not looking back.
Isee a reflection of what has been,
a mirror looking into the past.
One with no troubles
that is f..
Streets dark,
lights bright.
An alley of cold, dark defeat.
Crouching low,
sitting below.
Trying to hide from it.
Boxes crushed,
dumpsters ..
Embrace the land and sky of old.
Discover where water became a wave.
And wonder how one continues irreducibly
taking the design of your inner sheph..
Silently thinking to herself
thonderous thoughts
that could paralyze
any grown man
twice her size.
From my viewpoint
I see her walking,
by ..
The wine is warming in my glass.
Condensation rolling down.
Like little pebbles on a cliff-side
willing and waiting to drown.
How did my life g..
It's cold outside,
frosted in white.
The sunshine serenely glows.
The air is quiet,
Paw prints in the snow.