Morehead City
asleep on a tugboat full of explosives
and manure.
knocking of barges
and hum ofgenerators
my dreams with ..
mutilation therapy
myself open with a jagged tin thought;
splayed wide
like a red-curtained stage.
rearranged the rus..
renascent vitality
sip of
mystic wind on ice
slash my nightmare vein.
river of light warms
quiet guts,
tundra melts to love...
cr((oo))ked pa.th
zoot suit lions! Den-ver
in a coff.ee cup-------à
rose winged
lips to
aerial’s nimbus breast:
twinkle-eyed laughter
bathes me like dew
moonlight worn as blush
her smile turns crooked
12 red buttons pop
ragged language castles rise
from the chic soil
of whim(sic)al (you)th;
pro/cessed word food,
meaning-less with preservatives;
like a venomous spider in the crevices
of a god,
he whispers.
I hear.
I’m here.
too far away to understand why he ha..
a slow, sweet disintegration,
for the coming-into-being:
babies laugh, victims scream,
eyes light up, eyes go dim,
time stops.
please bend
a bit deeper
at your
nimbus knee,
puncture the
saturnine rings
of deep
thought spun with shallow
shadows all whisper, colors all scream, as
I dream of you bathed in laughter and song,
but, when my eyelids are blown open by time,
the ..