About MeHello I am Gale. I'm new to this site. I'm 17 years old and soon to be 18 this coming August. I'm graduating with the class of 2008. So I have a High School education. I want to go to collage and major in English or Film. Also minor in music of course. I love to write but I'm such a perfectionist about it that I've almost completely stopped.
I have stories but they are all in my head. I hear the wording of them just never can get them on paper. If that makes any sense. My grammar is horrid and so is my spelling and word use. However I believe my characters are unique and deep. Well at least the ones I created back in 7th 8th and 9th grade are. So that means I've been writing for..Counting on fingers...6 years. Funny thing is, I didn't start really reading till I was in 3rd grade. Thank you Mrs.Harry! I think that was her name ... I am a role player. I use role play as a way to develop characters. So if you like to e-mail me, I guess. I love to read and will start reading some works on here as soon as I'm aloud to stay on long enough to read more then a poem. I love reading Historical Fiction, Religious Fiction, Fantasy, Adventure, Supernatural, and Some other stuff that I will not mention. Then there is my own writings. I hope to have something posted soon so I can get feed back! But again if you read all this my grammar and spelling is horrid. And last, I enjoy criticism when it's give in a encouraging way. I'm emotional, leave me alone. ~Gale ![]() Feed Me! Adopted from Valenth Comments