Bryan Sefton : Writing

The Death of a Friend.

The Death of a Friend.

A Poem by Bryan Sefton

It was a terrible phone call. Saying he'd just died.
The Bible Of cause.

The Bible Of cause.

A Poem by Bryan Sefton

The History of ambition.
Nothing Said

Nothing Said

A Poem by Bryan Sefton

The end of romance.
The Little Girl Is Gone

The Little Girl Is Gone

A Poem by Bryan Sefton

When did that simple toss of her head. Become a come on to the boys? And when that gangly gawkish look Become such polish and such poise? I can..
Follow The Piper.

Follow The Piper.

A Poem by Bryan Sefton

Advice to adults.
The Little Pup.

The Little Pup.

A Poem by Bryan Sefton

I wrote this to build empathy in my grandchildren.
Hail To Thee Bright Star.

Hail To Thee Bright Star.

A Poem by Bryan Sefton

Hail to thee bright star! I kneel in your presence I lie in your warmth I spread myself to your splendour I spread lotion to your might Don dark ..


A Poem by Bryan Sefton

Progressive curtains of dark fall onto coppice and field Deepening shades of gloom increase into stillness of night Feelings acquire an edge not the..
The Lost Doll

The Lost Doll

A Poem by Bryan Sefton

"No! No!" She screams, "what have you done?" I watch it fall and disappear Tumbling, flailing over the weir Into the angry creaming foam "But th..