Bryan Sefton : Writing

Holiday postcard.

Holiday postcard.

A Poem by Bryan Sefton

I met a woman in a burned out land She had a frog clutched in her hand 'What's that? ' I asked. I heard her say 'Its my families food for the day' ..
The postman doesn't call here.

The postman doesn't call here.

A Poem by Bryan Sefton

The postman doesn't call here anymore No letters received and none to send The letterbox, once a friend with lots to say Stands quiet and dumb, clo..
The darts match

The darts match

A Poem by Bryan Sefton

First aid for a throwing arm
Farewell auld Sam

Farewell auld Sam

A Poem by Bryan Sefton

A graveside farewell.
Elizabeth's mind

Elizabeth's mind

A Poem by Bryan Sefton

A child's heaven
Well done and thank you.  (A thank you in times of crisis)

Well done and thank you. (A thank you in times of..

A Poem by Bryan Sefton

Gratitude to a nation of helpers, and disgust at selfishness of a few.
The hero

The hero

A Poem by Bryan Sefton

You, who killed the innocent Who froze the heart to do the deed Who made yourself the instrument To bring a nation to its knees Contemplate your..

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