About MeWell, hello there.
My name is Daena and I am from the great country that is Great Britain! Technically, if we're going to be technical, I'm English because I'm from England, but all in all, I'm British. Oh, la-ti-dah! I am sixteen years old, almost seveteen. I don't have that accent a lot of people think we Brits have. I aspire to be an author, but I'm a long way off that as of yet. I read fantasy more than any other book genre, and admittedly, did read Twilight when it came out. At the time, it never occurred to me that the writing style was terrible, the characters unbelievably stereotypical and the plot full of holes - no, chasms - that even Robert Baratheon could fall down. Lord of the Rings, A Song of Ice and Fire and a few others with names that completely escape me, are my favourite books and I am currently on the second in ASOIAF (don't judge me, I haven't had the funding until now). If you so wish, you can call me Luthien, Bilbo (the sassmaster), or Daenasaur... or Jim. If you have any questions, just drop me an inbox! Comments