Stam : Writing



A Poem by Stam

Well good moods don't last very long When people don't know where things come from Try and make some shiny light People mistake and give you shite ..


A Poem by Stam

Sick of writing about been down Going to go out and act the clown It's about time I wrote about happy Get of this mood and make it sappy Going to ..


A Poem by Stam

Head everywhere all I seem to do is stare Sometime look and wish I didn't care As Caring can be the death of you When other people really don't see..


A Poem by Stam

Am feeling life slip away Got no fight don't want to stay Think it's time to let it go Are the lines of age on my face starting to show Energy sim..
Saying goodbye

Saying goodbye

A Poem by Stam

As we said goodbye the sky cried a million tears It left me shivering in my fears This is the last time am going to see you My eyes really don't kn..


A Poem by Stam

I've never been one to kiss and tell I'd leave my secrets down a wishing well As Ive had my fair share of the finer sex Maybe I should put that i..
Open eyes

Open eyes

A Poem by Stam

Sitting in the sunshine wondering what is wrong All my friend around me still no where to belong Sitting with the smiles and laughter Still it's me..


A Poem by Stam

This one don't really know where to start Maybe I should say it straight from the heart Love life at the best of times Love sitting in the sunshin..


A Poem by Stam

Am tired of chasing old dreams Moving forward is the only way it seems Going to pick up my troubles and pack them a way Dig a big hole and put the..


A Poem by Stam

I am completely and utterly in love with you So Come and see me you know what to do No matter how many mistakes you make My heart is still for you ..