No, he didn’t hit me
But I wanted him to.
And I’m not minimising
Or simplifying
Other forms of abuse.
But when that’s..
Lego sets in refuge
iPhone torchlight
Held in my hand, the Christmas lights
Kelly took from the refuge tree for me.
So my son could have a nigh..
I am flattened
By the birth of my second child.
Before she sparked in my womb
I stood tall
And strong.
The world was on my terms
And I a woman o..
This is how it feels
Dread creeping up your throat
Tendrils weaving their way
Into your head
Rendering you immobile.
Yet you float
i went to the baptismof the man who nearly raped me.submerged underwater, made anewpale in drugged fragilityi remember the crossi bought for himand th..
the kernel
has cracked open.the hollow sea shellblown back into life.the woman, resolute and wanin a crying heapon the floor.layer upon layer
of pro..
it goes like this:i sit, transfixedsolo in front of the television.i'm all alone, my sweet boyslumbering in childhood's sleepin the bed we sharelike w..
i used to be shy,and plain.full of terror and longingsomehowyou saw meand there on the sofawe nearly touched.thighs grazingeyes hazy and drunki was ei..
i used to sit herein my childhood bed.writing wordsfor all the boys who laid their head...now i cradle a child, born of my bodyall fluffy hair and mil..
i saw you, today,where you spend your time (your life).still stuck working in hospitalitybut you were quick to inform mea changed man.yes, you have ch..