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About Me

I'm a 23 year old maths teacher in the North East of England.
I'm partial to a good vampire story, or any other mythical creature story that can spark my interest.
I don't think I'm a good writer, though I'm told I am and I'd like to try to eventually get published one day.


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Posted 15 Years Ago

May you listen to your longing to be free.
May the frames of your belonging be large enough for the dreams of your soul.
May you arise each day with a voice of blessing whispering in your heart
...something good is going to happen to you.
May you find harmony between your soul and your life.
May the mansion of your soul never become a haunted place.
May you know the eternal longing that lies at the heart of time.
May there be kindness in your gaze when you look within.
May you never place walls between the light and yourself.
May you be set free from the prisons of guilt, fear, disappointment and despair.
May you allow the wild beauty of the invisible world to gather you,
mind you, and embrace you in belonging.

- John O'Donahoe