Scott Andrews : Writing

Security Clearance

Security Clearance

A Story by Scott Andrews

Around the most dangerous people one can find the most well-trained security on earth. What if they were faced with a challenge from a different worl..
Such A Prestigious Award

Such A Prestigious Award

A Story by Scott Andrews

Some people devote their lifetimes in pursuit of recognition of awards. But what happens when someone doesn't know which award they have won.


A Chapter by Scott Andrews

PiSlamistan by Scott Andrews Cover image by Maciek Wojciechowski Copyright © 2016 by Scott Andrews All rights reser..


A Chapter by Scott Andrews

What are the two pillars of freedom? A pillar itself, in cases when it is one of a pair, is strong enough to hold the loftiest of ideas, yet fragile e..
Chapter 1 - The Great Leader

Chapter 1 - The Great Leader

A Chapter by Scott Andrews

When a room lit by television alone, contains a couple, it may be perceived as romantic, and yet when the said room contains a single person, it is th..
Chapter 2 - Our Hero

Chapter 2 - Our Hero

A Chapter by Scott Andrews

In the annals of history great precedent is giving to the power of words. Orators across vast swathes of time have been celebrated for the versatility..
Chapter 3 - The Press Conference

Chapter 3 - The Press Conference

A Chapter by Scott Andrews

Every monster has its mouth. Inside the mouth are teeth, atypically described as being as sharp as blades. The trouble with a description is that it s..
Chapter 4 - The Lunch Break

Chapter 4 - The Lunch Break

A Chapter by Scott Andrews

Misdirection. A notion long associated with magic, is where a distraction is used to hide the real intention of an act. It has long be connected with ..
Chapter 5 - The Church Service

Chapter 5 - The Church Service

A Chapter by Scott Andrews

It is often said that the Lord moves in mysterious ways. This probably explains why nobody has ever seen him. Although there is one way which has rema..
Chapter 6 - The Procedure

Chapter 6 - The Procedure

A Chapter by Scott Andrews

It is said that shame is the greatest cure for the libido. It afflicts generation after generation, causing irrational fears and hang-ups, and its by ..

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