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About Me

From writer’s perspective, Scott Leddy is inspired by challenging himself through creating dynamic worlds that are distinctive, while exploring ordinary characters with unique perceptions and circumstances. He enjoys touching the reader and sparking emotion and losing himself in the fantasy of his creations, while presenting the reader with an uplifting and inspirational message. Being bound only by the limitations of our imagination, he feels that we are all given a special God-given talent that is unique to all of us—a gift that should be nurtured and shared with the rest of the world in order to enrich the lives of others. Through soul-searching, we can find hope and prosperity where hope seems lost. By touching others for the better, we can enrich our own lives. This is a message that he likes to promote through his writing. Look to our hearts to fulfill our dreams, and wondrous opportunities will open for all of us. True happiness and serenity is achieved by following our hearts and aspirations and accomplishing our goals. If we dream it, we can attain it.