Bob Pseudonym

Bob Pseudonym


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how long must a scott sleep in a cocoon? how many furry moths will lick my morose face mistaking me for the moon?

I encourage you to read some of the work of the lesser viewed authors in my friends list or even that of those who are not. Many of them are better writers than I.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Goodbye, Bob Pseudonym.
Don't forget mine.

Lessie Pruitt.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

tralfamador - are you actually from there, or just part of an exhibit?

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Have you become a cocoon?

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Posted 18 Years Ago

not burnt
was intentional.

yours truly,
(or is that strange?)

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Posted 18 Years Ago

I was having dejavu and tea with your poem antichrist dialogue
and I burned my tongue.
I wonder what that means.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

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Posted 18 Years Ago

..except for Anna Karenina. I could almost make myself eat liver for forgetting that enigmatic romance. Have you seen the film of the same name starring Greta Garbo?
anyways, what was meant to be in this box was this:

how long must a scott sleep in a cocoon? how many furry moths will lick my morose face mistaking me for the moon?

you said it, which is why you are the moon.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Tolstoy is boring. Have you ever tried to read 'War and Peace?'
So, I see you like Kurt Vonnegut Jr....I have a blog here called
'The Books of Bokonon', if you ever care to read it.
Do you like Poe or Camus or Tennessee Williams or a crime novel called
'the Burnt Orange Heresy', by Charles Willeford? Grand.
Or, even better than all of the above, a writer here called
Kali Parker? (well, today he is a master of swords and knives);
read those guys. They're not Tolstoy.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

staying up later waking up old
and i'm leaving her never

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Oh yes, one more thing, don't talk to me right now;
I drank too much of your American whiskey,
a fellow by the name of Jack Daniels.
Tennessee is better than China.