I woke up from a nightmare, feeling groggy and unfocused. Nightmares
had become a recent thing over the summer, and usually it was the same
one. I..
Eric pulled up to the gates of the school. Summer break finally
ended, and I felt better knowing Wyatt would be safer behind the golden
gates of t..
I figured that the dinner “date” with Jasper wasn’t really a date,
and I tried to find a casual outfit to wear, but then realized ..
I was grateful for our date to finally arrive. I had been so excited
last night that I couldn’t sleep, and I was extra tired this morning.
I was never against seeing my dad. He and I had a wonderful
relationship. But what was he doing here? He was still technically an
active Guardian ..
Dawn was helping me pack my suitcase for the weekend. It wasn’t
very often that I got to go to Hollywood, but Eric and Jasper have been
The man sat in a booth all by himself. He had short brown hair
and light blue eyes just like in the dream. He had worn black in the
dream, but her..
The two of us stood in silence for a few moments. He finally
put out his cigarette; only to light another one. How many could one
person have in o..
I was glad to be back at school after what happened the other
night. Yesterday went well without any problems. Dawn greeted us all
with a hug, and..
I walked out to the courtyard with Dawn. There were a few other
people outside doing things like talking, eating some apples or doing
homework. Ja..