in connection with the wait. lol, i just re-read this, it had been over 2 months since it happened and they broke up last week, i felt guilty(dont kno..
this is just a deppressing poem about wanting to escape the city. :(
this is about when i asked someone out, they said no and started dating my best friend. this is me getting over him
this is about a morbid tree i encountered on my way to school, and how perfectly it symbolised how traped i feel, and how walfing to school feels like..
the ramblings of a teenager who has never been in love, and feels it is the only point in their life, letting lose all their angst and emotion. :)
alot of teenagers stress over this, but i am describing how i wish to defy societies broad morals concerning it.
natalie dumberck finds herelf thrust into a new world she does not understand
fantasy novel for teenagers with a dash of romance, acctually, alot of romance! and love and betrayal...