just to clear up any confusion over my scottish/british/whatever slang, shag means to have sex.oh, and sorry for the crappy photo, had to use an old o..
this started of about a nice innocent poem about how beautiful the moon was, then all of a sudden it was really morbid!
cant you hear me?
i'm trying not to scream
but one day i might crack.
I'm not an adult
and i don't want to be
i'm too young to have been blinded
im not so good at rhymig poems. i wrote this during an english N.A.B, because i was so stressed i just had to express my self.
second poem i ever wrote.
this is about how every year there seem to be less flowers coming up in the spring, and me contemplating god :/
It's not fantastic this one, just theraputic. yes, another poem about him from the wait and true happiness!
I really know how to put myself down, dont i. i was depressed when i wrote this, convinced that i will never fall in love and that it's the only reaso..
some people take a joke TOO FAR! :'(
we pretend we care when we dont. we force love instead of hate. we kill and cover it with lies of honour. we are human and we are screaming.