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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

Hi, I'm Schatzi (a nickname). I write for an online magazine and several blogs. When I'm not writing for work, I'm writing for fun.


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Posted 9 Years Ago


It’s great to see you. I work with a group of creatives. We write for blogs, online newspapers, and are collaborating on a novel which we hope to publish soon. When I’m not busy at work, I am spending time with my extensive family and amazing spouse. Together we foster and rescue as many at-risk, senior and animals with behavioural issues as possible.

I am happy to read your poetry, short stories or novels but I am not interested in racism, homophobia or excessively violent content. As for my writing, I like to twist the reality of high profile and controversial theories, especially in science.

If you review my work, I appreciate your time and your feedback. It doesn’t matter if you have pointed out an error, questioned a theory, or suggested something you feel will help improve one of my pieces, I am grateful to hear your thoughts.

Keep writing!

Kind regards,


Recently, I blocked another writer on WritersCafe. This person apparently took one of my reviews very personally and returned the favor by writing a bogus review for one of my writings. It became even more obvious when this person proceeded to critique my reviews of other writers’ work without actually reading or reviewing that writer’s material.

As I stated above, I am happy to review your work, however, if you are only seeking praise, then I am not the reviewer for you. What I offer is honest feedback. Consider it, embrace it, or ignore it. The choice is yours, but please do not take it as a personal attack because that is never my intention. We are here because we want feedback so we can grow as writers.