Scarlett D. Freeman : Writing

My Depression

My Depression

A Poem by Scarlett D. Freeman

This piece is about my depression and dark thoughts I battle with. Also an attempted OD experience I had.
My Dark Childhood

My Dark Childhood

A Story by Scarlett D. Freeman

Sad broken alone only at 5 yrs old I was taken from my home seperated from everything everybody all I had know. Why wasn't I loved, am I worthless use..
[ 5.The Puppeteers Thespian Macabre]

[ 5.The Puppeteers Thespian Macabre]

A Story by Scarlett D. Freeman

5th installment to a short story book follows a three eyed Raven. The man is not know where he's at till it is too late for he's taken to the underwor..
[4.Withering Pined Lovers]

[4.Withering Pined Lovers]

A Story by Scarlett D. Freeman

The story consists of an opening and four acts each act has a title in each act story is going to be wrapped around the title. Opening has the Japanes..
[3.A chance meeting...or is it]

[3.A chance meeting...or is it]

A Story by Scarlett D. Freeman

This piece is about a guardian angel always looking over the ones that they have to watch this one is about a man constantly being sent back by his gu..


A Story by Scarlett D. Freeman

short narrative piece following the the bird of the first story cometh the Bird of Death
[1.Cometh the Bird of Death]

[1.Cometh the Bird of Death]

A Story by Scarlett D. Freeman

Short story is about a man frightened and alone in the late 1800s of London constantly being followed by a Raven.

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