Scott Lee : Writing

Before I Disappear

Before I Disappear

A Poem by Scott Lee

I am a iridescent dagger hanging free from a blue eave. I hold conspicuous pearls inside this form. I have blue crystals inside me, Now red, ..
We Really Need To Know

We Really Need To Know

A Poem by Scott Lee

If I was a teacher I would teach the misfits, the outcasts, the black sheeps, the punk rockers, and metal heads, the abused and unwanted mis..


A Poem by Scott Lee

A hawk screech tore through my heart in the middle of the night I ran outside and unto great night began to look Wind ploughed down through the..
On Darkness Road

On Darkness Road

A Poem by Scott Lee

You are amazing If nobody ever told you this before then I am sorry. No guide or teacher with eager hands to lend or show the way. No talk o..
Know Now

Know Now

A Poem by Scott Lee

I know it is there But I cannot speak it I always knew But then came doubt Like the whole ocean turned to storm- Wiping you out But as it t..
Whispers come a slicing

Whispers come a slicing

A Poem by Scott Lee

Whispers come a slicing Down my neck First, in thin strips Feathers from Cleopatra's pillows tickling my skin. A spark in the blood sets ..
unknown factors

unknown factors

A Poem by Scott Lee

You hide ancient words In tunnels They run Online A power beast Using quantum mechanics Run by heart light. People race around Late for..


A Poem by Scott Lee

Everywhere else I come undone Crooked legs walking off the earth Nowhere is the place to be A one way street headed into traffic All the horns an..
Mud In The Guts

Mud In The Guts

A Poem by Scott Lee

Mud in the guts when you walk silent nights where dark houses stretch imagination back to a simpler time when strangers weren't enemies and trust grew..
Softer Nights

Softer Nights

A Poem by Scott Lee

Softer nights to come Nestled here when light draws dreams- a crescent blade of moon to share with you after a hard African day full of savage rejec..