Shweta : Writing

Tumhare Paas

Tumhare Paas

A Poem by Shweta

This is in Hindi.
Best Friend

Best Friend

A Poem by Shweta

This is just an insight and depth of besties like a family.
Words Have Power

Words Have Power

A Poem by Shweta

Inspired by the Group "Creative Talents Unleashed"
2-sided poem#rainbow#

2-sided poem#rainbow#

A Poem by Shweta

Guys don't mix the both sections n their meanings. That's why it's a two sided Poem.
Lazy like me

Lazy like me

A Poem by Shweta

Just few lines about the height of my laziness.
Can i be with you?

Can i be with you?

A Poem by Shweta

Just an another love piece with science combination.
Roses are Red

Roses are Red

A Poem by Shweta

It's just a dark poem everybody will relate to.


A Poem by Shweta

Just lines with combined challenges done.
The Unrecognised

The Unrecognised

A Poem by Shweta

Somewhere we really see ourselves in an empty room in the mirror. Ever questioned? Why we see ourselves so deeply in our reflection? Its just few lin..


A Poem by Shweta

It's dark and mysterious.

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